Hello, Welcome to Tecmafia we'll be discussing about how to fix DNS Server error problem.  the “DNS server not responding” is a message indicated when you hit on the troubleshooting using the control panel tools and also fixing the issue may sometime works but if not you have to go into more complex system repair. And they are too very easy just follow the below given three methods of which one method could fix the problems.

Method: Fix DNS Server error Using Control Panel.

Step 1:

Open the control panel through start Button.

Step 2:

Click on the network and Internet and open network and sharing option.

Step 3: 

open the change adapter settings open. Place in the left panel of Network and sharing option.

Step 4: 

right click on properties of Ethernet. And Select the properties option.

Step 4

Step 5:

Click on Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)
Step 5

Step 6:

Finally set the preferred Dns Server Then Save the changes. 

Step 6


Viren M Parth

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